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Emily Johnson: How Leverage Your Art Changed My Art Business

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Why do I offer my flagship course, Leverage Your Art? To help artists like YOU.

That’s why I center the stories of artists who have completed the course. Don’t take my word for how great Leverage is– listen to the feedback of my real students and their tangible results. 

Today, I’m featuring Emily from Emily Johnson Art in Birmingham, AL. Meeting Emily was such a treat for me, and I’m so excited for you to hear her story too!

About Emily

Emily was a nurse and a mother of 3 who took Leverage in 2022 and saw her life change!

She is a wildlife artist and landscape painter who primarily sells art prints and her original paintings on Etsy and her website.

Emily’s Art Background

Emilly has been selling her work on Etsy since 2014. 

She tried carrying out her own business reboot in 2020, before she took Leverage. She niched down her art to focus on fish-themed prints, and started to get very consistent sales.

Emily knew she could accomplish more, but she didn’t know how to get there. She searched the internet for answers and used Stacie’s free resources, but there was only so much patchwork learning she could do on her own. 

Emily’s Challenges And Frustrations

There were a few roadblocks in Emily’s way. First of all, being a mom of 3 kids limited her time. She felt like she had to spend more time on her art to get farther, but she didn’t have more time.

Secondly, the craft show grind wasn’t for her. Having to prepare all kinds of products ahead of time, then transport it to the show, set up, interact with so many people, then pack it all up and head home, all while missing weekend time with her kids, was not her ideal way to earn an income.

Emily felt like she was missing out on artistic opportunities, but didn’t know how to take advantage of them. For example, she had been approached by businesses in the past about licensing her work, but didn’t know what was happening at the time.

People told her that she should sell her art in stores, but she didn’t know how to make that happen.

Emily was hitting a wall. She needed a mentor to show her EXACTLY what to do.

Why Emily Signed Up For Leverage Your Art

Leverage Your Art was not the first course Emily had taken to learn about growing her art business.

Past courses she had taken hid essential information from their students in an effort to sell more of their courses, and they simply did not address the crucial information she needed to know to find true success.

On the other hand, Stacie had an authentic vibe that combated the perfectionistic standards that Emily saw in social media and other business courses.

Emily saw that there was still something missing in her business, and wanted to learn how to leverage her art on a limited schedule, so she signed up for Leverage.

How Leverage Your Art Changed Her Life

According to Emily, LYA opened the door for her to know ALL the secrets she needed to succeed in her art career. She felt like there was no more “hidden knowledge”– she could go for what she wanted and find true success.

When Emily first started Leverage, an art agent approached her about licensing her art. While Emily had turned down licensing opportunities in the past, for the first time, she knew how to make it happen step-by-step with Stacie’s help.

Another breakthrough moment was when Stacie talked about how to get your art in front of the right people. Emily was astounded by the process of emailing art agents, stores– whoever needs to be contacted for licensing and wholesale. 

She stopped waiting around to get discovered, and started making moves like a true artrepreneur.

Throughout the course, Emily saw that she could ask Stacie a question and get an honest answer. She saw that Stacie is truly in it to help people, and she doesn’t peddle the myths of perfection and overnight success. 

Emily loved Stacie’s transparency, honesty, and courage to be imperfect. This made the Q&A’s more than worth it. Emily found answers to everything she needed to know and more!

The information she had learned in the course all came together to help her find a new level of success.

Thinking About Taking Leverage Your Art?

Emily said that Stacie set herself apart from other teachers by providing a top-quality educational source without gimmicks. She felt like her investment was thoroughly worth it, because Stacie over-delivered on her promises.

Emily wishes that she had taken Leverage Your Art in 2020 instead of trying to handle her business’s reboot on her own, because growing her business is simpler AND more effective than it’s ever been.

In the past, she didn’t know what to do, and was doing guess work to find her next steps. Now she feels she has a clear path to success, because she knows EXACTLY how to leverage her art. 

She recommends the course to all fellow artists who want to create a purposefully profitable business that they’re proud of. 

If you’d like to hear more true stories about how Leverage Your Art impacted real students’ lives, keep an eye out for future posts here on the blog! We’re going to keep sharing past students’ perspectives and celebrating their wins, because they’re why we do all this in the first place!


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