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Design A Calendar in 2 Weeks. Easy Peasy. 
Create a 12 month calendar featuring your own art!
Calendars are perhaps the perfect marriage of art + product.
The best calendars tell a story. Artists are storytellers.
What story do you want to tell with your calendar? 

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Are you ready to have the creative career that gives you financial freedom, location flexibility, AND celebrates your own unique artistic voice?

In our signature course, you will learn the business of licensing and selling your artwork and making those creative big dreams come true. 

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The Creative Powerhouse Society is a membership for creative business owners who are interested in building multiple revenue streams for their artwork and are looking for guidance and support as they build a sustainable, joyful, and fulfilling career.

collaborations + Features


Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or confused? I've been there! 6 years ago I was ready to GIVE UP. I had my 3rd child. I had a “successful” small business, & I hoped to take a decent maternity leave. NOPE. Revenue was so dependent on my output that stepping away from the day to day was almost impossible. I had a team who shipped & handled assembly of products, but I had to make new art & hit deadlines.

Instead of enjoying my newborn son, I was sad & longing for change. By the end of 2016, I thought about walking away from Gingiber. Closing it down. The inconsistent revenue was too hard. I had put all of my income eggs in one basket.

I know now what I didn’t know then: ANY strong business needs multiple sources of income in order to create stability. And, it turns out, I was just a few decisions away from creating the stability and flexibility that my family so desperately needed.

Could I take my existing artwork and use it to create income? Could I design fabric? Could I illustrate books? Once I started dreaming BIG about how I could use my artwork to create income, the possibilities seemed ENDLESS. So I put my head down, got to work, and soon, I had my first fabric deal with Moda Fabrics. 

I decided to pursue art licensing with a fierce focus, and I stopped referring to myself as a “doodler”. NOPE. I was now thinking of myself as a “Creative Entrepreneur”. And from then on, I prioritized teaching myself how to be a smart and strong business woman. 

Does any of this feel familiar? Are you where I was 6 years ago? Do you feel like you need someone to take your hand & guide you towards your creating a sustainable, joyful, and stable creative career?

It can happen. It is never too late to change your life. Now is the time to build a stable foundation in your art business. 

And I’m here to guide you, and to save you YEARS of mistakes, trial and error, and to help you realize that you have what it takes.

Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or confused? I've been there!

Hey, friend!

But you don't have to do it alone. When we rise together, we shine together. 

I've been exactly where you are: you are dreaming of having a career as an artist. I graduated with an art degree, but then became a coffee shop manager because I didn't know how to make money with my art.

I started selling my own artwork online. Then: LIGHTBULB MOMENT: I realized that I could leverage my artwork by licensing my art, selling products wholesale, creating my own website, and creating book illustrations. The possibilities seemed endless!

Now nearly 14 years later I license my art to major companies, sell my products in 1,400+ retail stores, teach thousands of creative entrepreneurs how to take their big ideas and run with them, & lead a growing team of amazing employees. I feel like I am in control of my business, and I want to teach you how to do the same.

I am here to teach you exactly how I did it, save you years of trial and error, and give you the advice and tips I wish someone had given me when I launched my business.

Let's do this.

Come on! You are about to take the biggest step towards your dream career.

download for free!

Curious about the world of art licensing? Ready to launch your own website? Have a passion for teaching? Wondering how to balance building and maintaining multiple income streams? Download my free guide to learn how you can increase your revenue streams RIGHT NOW, using the artwork you already have.

How to Multiply Your Revenue Streams

get the free guide!

I believe that the world needs ALL of us, and with a little bit of encouragement and an eagerness to learn, you can and WILL have a stable and growing art business. You will do more than just pay your bills: you will develop the business savvy to THRIVE financially, have the freedom to work on your own timetable and schedule, and truly craft a life that gives you joy and fulfillment.

You want to build a creative business that shines bright. You want your work to have MEANING and make a difference.

our pinky promise

You Were Made To Shine. Do What Lights You Up.

Over 14 years, I've licensed my art to major brands, sold my products in 1,400+ retail stores, & led a growing team of employees. I've taught thousands of students how to leverage their art into a creative career.
I am here to guide you on your own journey.

buy the book

browse the portfolio

Shop gingiber

Browse the shop and licensing portfolio (the very same shop that laid the foundation to my career as an artist!)

by Stacie Bloomfield


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A gorgeously illustrated interactive guide to changing your mindset, rekindling creativity, and embracing imperfection.

A Guide to Rediscovering and Reconnecting with Your Creative Self

give yourself margin

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